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Electronic Device Policy

Use of Imperial Unified School District technology is intended to support your academic success. You must read and agree to follow the network rules below to use your network account.
The Imperial Unified School District hereinafter referred to as IUSD, has a strong commitment to providing a quality educational curriculum for its students, including access to and experience with technology. IUSD’s goals for technology in education include promoting educational excellence in schools by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication; providing appropriate access to all students; supporting critical and creative thinking; fully integrating technology into the daily curriculum; promoting collaboration and entrepreneurship; and preparing students and educators to meet the challenge of a highly technological and information-rich society.
Imperial Unified School District recognizes that curricular technology can enhance student achievement. Imperial Unified School District provides a wide range of technological resources, including student Internet access for the purpose of advancing the educational mission of IUSD.
Students waive any right to privacy or confidentiality to material that was accessed, created, sent or stored using Imperial Unified School District technology or an Imperial Unified School District provided network account.

Imperial Unified School District provides students with access to technology and the Internet. Through the Internet, students may have access to applications, databases, web sites, and email. Students are expected to use the technology and the Internet responsibly for school related purposes.
Imperial Unified School District is committed to meeting the provisions established in the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), which protects the safety and privacy of minors. Consequently, Imperial Unified School District uses appropriate filtering technology to monitor and screen access to the Internet, in an attempt to prevent online access to materials that are obscene, contain child pornography, or are harmful to minors. In compliance with California legislation, E-Rate[1], and the Children’s Internet Protection Act, Imperial Unified School District addresses the appropriate and ethical use of information technology in the classroom so that students and teachers can distinguish lawful from unlawful uses of copyrighted works, including the following topics: the concept and purpose of both copyright and fair use; distinguishing lawful from unlawful downloading and peer-to-peer file sharing; and avoiding plagiarism. Imperial Unified School District provides for the education of minors about Internet safety, including appropriate online behavior that encompasses interacting with other individuals on social networking sites and in chat rooms, cyber bullying awareness and response, and protect online privacy and avoid online predators.

Students will follow current legal regulations, and the rules set forth in this policy and the student disciplinary code. Board Policies and Administrative Regulations will govern all violations of this policy. For clarification of other related student policies and consequences including suspension or expulsion that may result from misuse, please refer to your student handbook and/or the Imperial Unified School District website.
I will use technology resources responsibly:

I will use technology resources responsibly:

  • I will use the Internet and other technology resources for academic activities.
  • I will store only educationally appropriate materials.
  • I will not use Imperial Unified School District technology for commercial purposes or to offer or provide products or services through Imperial Unified School District technology.
  • I will not use technology resources to violate Imperial Unified School District policies, federal and/or state laws.
  • I will not intentionally access and/or store inappropriate information, including, but not limited to the following: material that is obscene; child pornography; material that depicts, or describes in an offensive way, violence, nudity, sex, death, or bodily functions; material that has been designated as for adults only; material that promotes or advocates illegal activities; material that promotes the use of alcohol or tobacco, school cheating, or weapons; or material that advocates participation in hate groups or other potentially dangerous groups.
  • I will not participate in unacceptable behaviors including but not limited to: personal attacks, harassment or bullying another person; creation and transmission of offensive, obscene, or indecent material; creation of defamatory material; plagiarism; infringement of copyright laws, including software, published texts, and student work; political advocacy and/or religious proselytizing; transmission of commercial and/or advertising material; and creation and transmission of material which a recipient might consider disparaging, harassing, and/or abusive based on race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, and/or political beliefs.
I will use technology resources safely:

I will use technology resources safely:

  • I will not share my password with anyone.
  • I will not give out my name, picture, address, e-mail, or any other personally identifying information online.
  • I will only access social networking and collaborative web sites, blogs, or post to Internet sites as it relates to educational purposes.
I will use technology resources respectfully:

I will use technology resources respectfully:

  • I will not deliberately attempt to harm or destroy data on any system on the network or Internet.
  • I will not damage equipment or inappropriately alter settings.
  • I will not inappropriately alter any other users' files.
  • I will not log in through another person's account or access another person's files.
  • I will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the (insert district name/abbreviation here) network or to any other system using the Imperial Unified School District network.
  • I will not go beyond my authorized access.
  • I will not circumvent (i.e., use proxies) Imperial Unified School District Internet filters.
  • I will not disclose names, personal contact information, or any other private or personal information about other students.
  • I will not use the Imperial Unified School District network to engage in any unlawful activity or to
  • threaten the safety of any person.
  • I will not use threatening, obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory or disrespectful language.
  • I will neither transmit nor post information that could cause disruption to my school or any other organization.
I will use technology resources in a manner that respects the intellectual property of others:

I will use technology resources in a manner that respects the intellectual property of others:

  • I will respect the rights of copyright owners in my use of materials.
  • I will not install, store, or distribute unauthorized copyrighted software or materials.
  • I will properly cite sources for material that is not my own.
I understand that:

I understand that:

  • By accepting these terms and conditions, I waive any right to privacy or confidentiality to material created, sent, accessed, or stored using Imperial Unified School District technology or a Imperial Unified School District provided network account.
  • Imperial Unified School District personnel have the right to review any material sent, emailed, accessed, or stored through Imperial Unified School District technology or an Imperial Unified School District provided network account.
  • My use of the Internet will be monitored, as required by federal law. (Insert district name/abbreviation here)’s monitoring of Internet usage can reveal all activities I engage in using the Imperial Unified School District network.
  • Imperial Unified School District personnel can remove any material that it believes may be unlawful, obscene, indecent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable.
  • Imperial Unified School District does not promise that the functions of the Internet service will meet any specific requirements I may have, or that the Internet service will be error free or uninterrupted.
  • Imperial Unified School District administrators have the final say on what constitutes a violation of the Acceptable Use Policy. Violations include, but are not limited to, all bulleted points in this agreement.
  • In the event there is a claim that I have violated this policy or the student disciplinary code in my use of Imperial Unified School District network, I will be provided with notice and opportunity to be heard in the manner set forth in the student disciplinary code.
  • Imperial Unified School District will not be responsible for any damage I may suffer, including but not limited to loss of data, interruptions of service, or exposure to inappropriate material or people.
  • Imperial Unified School District will not be responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through the system. Imperial Unified School District accepts no liability relative to information stored and/or retrieved on (insert district name/abbreviation here)-owned technology resources.
  • Imperial Unified School District will not be responsible for financial obligations arising through unauthorized use of the system.
  • My parents can be held financially responsible for any harm that may result from my intentional misuse of the system.
  • Although Imperial Unified School District will make a concerted effort to protect me from adverse consequences resulting from use of Imperial Unified School District technology resources, I must exercise individual vigilance and responsibility to avoid inappropriate and/or illegal activities.
  • Imperial Unified School District accepts no liability for student-owned technology resources used on Imperial Unified School District property.